2024: March Jeff the Computer. He's a... computer... February Rachel Stevenson: a female girl or something. I don't know, look at it yourself. Jailbot! You ever watch Superjail? Fluffy the Gorgus. The original contender for a Rubberocket mascot

click the image below to view a higher quality version! if you're using dialup, watch the bills skyrocket. :)
Rachel Stevenson

rachel stevenson.

23rd February 2024

Rachel Stevenson is one of the oldest characters I have created, going back as far as 2020. I remember putting her in a very, very bad "object show" called South Park OC Mania, (someone emailed me to share the episodes before I made this drawing, so I found them and put them up on the 'net! download them here.) She was originally meant to be a god-like figure, sister to an OC I do not own and therefore I will not name. I kept the god-like part for a little while until about 2023.

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